Ministry of Science and Technology, the policies of Department of Technology Promotion and Coordination are as follows-

–         To utilize and develop the sustainable technologies systematically in cooperation with the local and international organizations, industries and enterprises.

–         To collaborate and cooperate the trainings systematically for achieving innovative and competitive technological human resources effectively.

–         To perform the improvement of national interest by establishing the technical support system participated successfully in various technical organizations.

–         To promote the technical communications and to cooperate the applied technologies systematically in each sector.

Technology development and systematic use play an important role in the process of socio economic development of the State, Department of Technology Promotion and Coordination was formed aiming to be able to prioritize systematic implementation for technology promotion and coordination activities between Government and private organizations.

To be a sustainable development State; Myanmar, the intellectual based socio- economic development is achieved by the emphasizing and collaborating with the technology sector.

  • To establish the applied technologies systematically for the development of socio-economic sectors of the State respectively.
  • To participate the development of technology sector in cooperation with the government, private organizations and technology promotion and coordination activities.